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Mark Hardin Air Race Classic

The race is to be held at Terrell, TX, KTRL.

9:00 Registration Opens
10:00 Pilot Briefing

$50 entry fee includes, pilot tshirt, box lunch and trophies for the top 3 finishers in each class.

Email Dave Anderson, Race Director at [email protected] with any questions.

I Am Racing!
Long Course Information
Short Course Information

Race Dinner!
Friday Evening, May 24th, 6:00 PM
Los Hermanos Restaurant
1500 W. Moore Ave, Terrell, TX 75160

Race Day Schedule Forthcoming

Who's In

Race # Name Aircraft Class Certificate of Insurance
Race 3 Steve Hammer Lancair IV Sport Yes
Race 21 Alan Crawford Lancair Legacy Sport Yes
Race 91 Bruce Hammer Glasair 1TD Sport FX Yes
Race 13 James Redmon Berkut 360 RG Blue Yes
Race 28 Greg Mahler Lancair 360 RG Blue Yes
Race 27 Jim Wilson RV-8 RV Gold Yes
Race 17 Bryan Weinzettle RV-7 RV Blue Yes
Race 64 Bill Anton RV-4 RV Blue Yes
Race 48 Larry Bradshaw RV-6 RV Red Yes
Race 4 Michael Satchell Cozy MK IV FX Gold Yes
Race 59 Dave Anderson Long EZ FX Red Yes
Race 83 Dave Adams Long EZ FX Red Yes
Race 11 Les Burril Midget Mustang Sprint Yes
Race 90 Rene Dugas GB1 Gamebird FAC1FX Yes
Race 456 AnnElise Bennett Cessna 182 FAC3FX Yes
Race 0T Andy Jones Cessna 172 FAC5FX Yes
Race 68 Jaden Stapleton Eagle 150B FAC6 Yes
Mark Hardin Air Race Classic
Terrell, TX (KTRL)

Area Hotels

Red Roof Inn Terrell
1614 Highway 34 S, Terrell, TX, US
(937) 328-4840

Quality Inn
103 Mira Pl
Terrell, TX 75160
(972) 524-5590

Holiday Inn Express
300 Tanger Dr
Terrell, TX 75160
(972) 563-7888

Saturday, May 25, 2024 (All day)

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