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Race to be held at Cynthiana, KY, 0I8 (zero, eye, eight).
I am Racing!
Air Race Information
Long Course Information
Short Course Information
Who's In
Race # | Name | Aircraft | Class |
Race 3 | Steve Hammer | Lancair IV | Sport |
Race 28 | Greg Mahler | Lancair 360 | RG Blue |
Race 51 | Jake Bell | RV 4 | RV Blue |
Race 374 | Gordon Davis | RV-7A | RV Blue |
Race 103 | Bruce Zimmerman | RV 8 | RV Blue |
Race 911 | Gonzalo Artigas | Glasair IIS | FX Blue |
Race 498 | Matt Bunch | Cozy IV | FX Blue |
Race 83 | Dave Adams | Long EZ | FX Red |
Race 27 | Jim Wilson | RV-8 | RV Gold |
Race 11 | Les Burril | Midget Mustang | Sprint |
Race 130 | Lou Toth | Sonex A | Sportsman |
Race 718 | Dean Copley | Rans 10 | E-LSA |
Race 247 | Roy Roller | Rans 7 | E-LSA |
Race 701 | Van Wadsworth | Mooney M20E | FAC3RG |
Race 244 | Michael Warner | Bonanza G-35 | FAC3RG |
Race 57 | Seth Truitt | 172 | FAC5FX |
Race 12 | Bobby Craft | 172 | FAC5FX |
Bluegrass 150 Race
Cynthiana, KY (0I8)
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